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と言うことで自分も忘れていましたが、基本のやり方は愛読しているGrassroots Motorsportsのページに良いことが書いてあったのでご紹介します。
  1. Based on experience, tribal knowledge or just some gut instinct, make a good estimate for a starting point. If there’s a range, inflate tires to the high side of that figure. (経験則から適切と思われる空気圧範囲のうち、高い側の空気圧で設定)
  2.  Time three hard, clockwise laps around a skidpad.(広場でハードに時計回りで3周旋回してみる)
  3.  Drop the pressures by 4 psi all around.(約0.2気圧落とす) 
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the lap times point toward an ideal pressure range.(上記2と3を繰り返して理想値を探る)
  5.  Note the range of pressures that produced the fastest laps.(最速ラップだった空気圧範囲をメモ)
  6.  Inflate all tires to the highest pressure in that range.(上記5のうち一番高い空気圧にする)
  7.  Time three hard, counterclockwise laps around the skidpad.(広場でハードに反時計回りに3周旋回してみる)
  8.  Drop the pressures by 2 psi all around.(4輪とも約0.1気圧落とす) 
  9. Repeat steps 7 and 8 until you home in on the fastest pressure.(最速ラップだった空気圧になるまで7と8を繰り返す)
  10.  Use a probe-type pyrometer to confirm the fastest pressures. Ideally the tire temperatures will be close to even across the entire tread. If they’re a little bit cooler on the outside edge, that’s okay, too. If the temperatures in the center are too high, though, the tire is running too much air. “When in doubt, trust the clock, not the pyrometer,” Hollis adds.(タイヤ表面温度を測定し、均一な温度になっているか確認。中央が高温だと空気入れ過ぎ。外側が少し低いぐらいなら問題なし。もし表面温度が不均等でも最速ラップを出した空気圧が正解である) 
  11. Tires cool as they sit, so waiting even a minute to measure a tire’s temperature can render the data almost useless. That’s why we recommend having at least one helper, so one person can take measurements on each side of the car. We record our data in an old-school notebook.(タイヤの温度は走行後1分でも経過すると正確なデータ取りが出来なくなるため、車外で温度測定してくれる人がいるとベスト)





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